A teenage boy and girl dream separately of their future together. (Run time: 6 minutes.)


JOE, a country boy of about 17
LOUANNE, a country girl of about 16


JOE (To Louanne.)
I’m gonna be a trapper. I’ll trap animals for their fur. When I get enough pelts, you’ll get a
new coat. You can wear it to town.

LOUANNE (To the audience.)
I’d like to have a house in town.

JOE (To the audience.)
I can get two bucks for each coon skin.

LOUANNE (To the audience.)
A nice, big house with four tall columns in front and a chandelier hanging between them
like Mrs. Hackle has.

JOE (To the audience.)
I can get three bucks apiece for muskrat.

LOUANNE (To the audience.)
It’ll have a grand dining room with a china cabinet all in dark cherry wood and the white
china plates shining from inside it.

JOE (To the audience.)
Five bucks for beavers.

LOUANNE (To the audience.)
A sweet flower garden full of roses. Yellow and white. And daffodils in the spring.

JOE (To the audience.)
Seven bucks for fox skins.

LOUANNE (To the audience.)
On Saturday night, we’ll go dancing. I’ll have a new dress to wear each time. Maybe the
mayor’s boy will ask me to a dance. He never gave me a second look in high school.

JOE (To the audience.)
I can travel way into the wilderness to get the best furs.

LOUANNE (To the audience.)
Maybe he’ll take me to the county fair in his red Cougar.